| | | 0000218 | | |
| minor | | 2024-07-01 | Archive PGCon schedules generated by pgeu |
| | | 0000217 | | |
| minor | | 2024-07-01 | retire bsdcan.org jails |
| | | 0000201 | | |
| minor | | 2024-07-01 | replace hmac DNS keys |
| | | 0000196 | | |
| minor | | 2024-07-01 | r730-03: implement Bacula backups for this host |
| | | 0000238 | 7 | |
| minor | | 2024-07-01 | What is the wlc table? |
| | | 0000235 | 4 | |
| minor | | 2024-07-01 | check FreshPorts tables for non-postgres owned tables |
| | | 0000200 | 3 | |
| minor | | 2024-05-31 | mail: use /root/.forward instead of /etc/aliases |
| | | 0000019 | 3 | |
| minor | | 2024-05-31 | Delete older tarsnap backups |
| | | 0000221 | 2 | |
| minor | | 2024-05-31 | remove the anvil user from hosts without anvil installed |
| | | 0000224 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2024-05-25 | check all dma hosts for invalid root alias |
| | | 0000219 | | |
| minor | | 2024-05-09 | clean up local DNS |
| | | 0000185 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2024-05-04 | rsyncer is not configured on r720-02 |
| | | 0000216 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2024-04-17 | /usr/local/libexec/nagios-custom/check_postfix is not enough |
| | | 0000012 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2024-04-03 | move gelt websites to web01 |
| | | 0000211 | | |
| minor | | 2024-02-04 | new monitoring check: package_imports. processed_date |
| | | 0000205 | | |
| minor | | 2023-12-30 | ansible roles/snmpd/files/extends/phpfpm-sp and files therein should be templates |
| | | 0000203 | | |
| minor | | 2023-11-28 | webserver needs better default website |
| | | 0000111 | 6 | |
| minor | | 2023-11-18 | put git and subversion under one ZFS file system |
| | | 0000198 | | |
| minor | | 2023-11-18 | nagios should know which zpools should be present. |
| | | 0000197 | | |
| minor | | 2023-08-23 | change nagios ping tests to -4 and -6 |
| | | 0000189 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2023-05-23 | monitor ns3 |
| | | 0000187 | | |
| minor | | 2023-04-11 | alter ansible to not update logcheck.logfiles |
| | | 0000145 | 1 | |
| minor | | 2023-04-02 | take papers.bsdcan.org and papers.pgcon.org offline |
| | | 0000186 | | |
| minor | | 2023-02-21 | add nagios check for ot-recorder |
| | | 0000155 | | |
| minor | | 2021-04-04 | clean up unused roles in PostgreSQL databases |